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Clinical trial checklists

What information must be provided for a study to be considered fully registered?
The World Health Organization and the International Commitee on Medical Journal Editors have proposed that a minimum amount of trial information should appear in a register and have reunited them into a checklist for easier and quicker consultation (have a look to the WHO’s checklist and to the ICMJE version).
Essential parameters go from “trial identifying number” to “primary and secondary sponsor”, passing by “contacts for scientific and public queries” to more specific ones like “title”, “interventions” and many more for a total of 20 items.

The Equator Network (where Equator is the acronym for Enhancing the QUAlity and Trasparency Of health Research) also provides checklists and guidelines for improving the reliability and value of published health research literature. This information, however, are dedicated to researchers for enhancing the quality of their reports and are therefore very technical.

Last but not least, have a look again to the healthknowledge checklist for questions that can help you understanding if a clinical trial is well-designed.

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