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  • Warning: file_put_contents(temporary://fileVFgYDy): failed to open stream: "DrupalTemporaryStreamWrapper::stream_open" call failed in file_unmanaged_save_data() (line 1962 of /var/www/www.ecranproject.eu/includes/file.inc).
  • The file could not be created.

Valuable sources about medical and statistical terms

This section provides you a preliminary collection of links for medical and statistical glossaries. Please feel free to contribute by pointing out any other valuable material.

Gapminder Videos

The mission of Gapminder  (a Swedish non-profit foundation, promoting sustainable global development and achievement) is “fighting devastating ignorance with fact-based world-views everyone can understand”. Statistics can often be counterintuitive and hard to understand, Gapminder offers data and tools for giving sense to claims and data often found in the media about health. The video section is very rich, with some videos dedicated to cancer statistics (breast, liver, lung and prostate cancer). 


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